Monday, May 9
Yohannes and Menelik Palaces
"The aim of the ´Cultural Heritage Project Ethiopia´ is the conservation and revitalisation of the Menelik II Palace in Addis Ababa and of the Yohannes IV Palace in Mekele, the capital of the province Tigray in the northern part of the country. Both palaces belong historically, culturally and architecturally the great national monuments of Ethiopia and are furthermore of most importance throughout the world." Sponsored by the Austrian Government.

Yohannes Palace, Mekele 1872 - 1889

Emperor Menelik's Palace, Addis Ababa 1889 – 1913

Unknown Ministry Office somewhere in Menelik Palace compound?

Yohannes Palace, Mekele 1872 - 1889

Emperor Menelik's Palace, Addis Ababa 1889 – 1913

Unknown Ministry Office somewhere in Menelik Palace compound?